About this blog

The original intention of this blog was to help promote my handcrafted jewelry and beading supplies. However, I believe I lead an interesting life (which Dave gets a lot of credit for), so you will often find ramblings about things other than beads and jewelry! Hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoy living it!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Unfortunately, I've been neglecting my blog recently and decided this morning it was time to post something new. What better to post about than adorable little puppies!

My sister and brother-in-law bred their border collies, Ripli and Tyri, and the puppies arrived about a week ago. Aren't they just adorable?! You can check out more pictures on their website, Golden Oaks Border Collies.

I'm sure several of these little ones will be future flyballers and frisbee dogs. Chris has been competing with her dogs in flyball for several years now. I've been to a couple of events and it's pretty neat...kind of a doggie relay race with hurdles and tennis balls! You can check out more about this sport at http://www.flyball.org/. If you decide to attend an event, I highly recommend earplugs if it's held indoors as the dogs tend to be very excitable when they are getting ready to race and most vocalize it!!!