About this blog

The original intention of this blog was to help promote my handcrafted jewelry and beading supplies. However, I believe I lead an interesting life (which Dave gets a lot of credit for), so you will often find ramblings about things other than beads and jewelry! Hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoy living it!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Really Great Raffle!!!

I am trying to do my little piece and help promote a raffle being held by fellow jewelry artist and Etsian, Bridget from Heart of A Cowgirl. Tickets are only $2 (or 3 for $5, or 7 for $10) and you have the chance of winning this great Cowgirl Cuff, handcrafted by Bridget. The proceeds from the raffle will benefit Equine Voices Sanctuary and Rescue, a safe haven for unwanted PMU mares and foals. To find out more about this raffle, or to purchase tickets, just click on the Heart of A Cowgirl link above. You can also find out more about the sanctuary by clicking on the Equine Voices link above. I've always admired those who find time to volunteer for such organizations. I've given a lot of thought to volunteering at the local animal shelter, but find it hard to squeeze time to volunteer into a schedule that already includes a full time job, 2 hour daily commute, and part time jewelry business. So, I'd like to think I'm contributing a small part vicariously through Bridget!

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