The original intention of this blog was to help promote my handcrafted jewelry and beading supplies. However, I believe I lead an interesting life (which Dave gets a lot of credit for), so you will often find ramblings about things other than beads and jewelry! Hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoy living it!!!
On Saturday, Dave and I went to the Mud Bogs at PBIR. This was their second mud bog event and we knew from the turnout at the first that this one would be even better. Plus, there was $20k in prize money to be awarded. We were very impressed with the changes the facility had made since the first event. There were alot of safety issues at the first event, and those had been corrected. Also, the bleachers had been extended to go the entire length of the track so we were actually able to sit down (we stood up for the entire event the last time). It all started off rather slow as the stock class was first up and I believe everyone in this class got stuck and had to be pulled out. The stock class is basically made up of vehicles that have not had any lifts, no oversize tires, no motorwork, etc). I'm not really sure why they even have this can look at the track and know that a stock vehicle is not going to make it. Maybe it's for everyone in the stands can laugh at the knuckleheads...I mean hopefuls, who let their buddies talk them into running! In any case, the runs got better as the "non-stock" classes progressed. The best runs of the night had to be what I'll call the super modified class (lots of motorwork, big lifts and way oversized tires). Check out the video!
PBIR wants to thank everyone who attended! This was an awesome event and we can not wait until the next on. Stay tuned to PBIR blogs with all your favorite Social Networks; Twitter, Blogger, Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo, Google, LinkedIn, Tagged, Bebo, Friendster, Hi5, and more....
Beware!!! I have a tendency to ramble. I am a lover of beads and metals. I'm one of those lucky people that met their soulmate. Dave and I met in high school and start dating shortly afterwards. We have built a relationship based on mutual respect and honesty. He has taught me so much about life (and lots of other things, like driving a 5-speed, riding a motorcycle and handling a gun). I can't imagine walking (and sometimes running) through this life with anyone else! I adore my friends and family. I consider myself a cowgirl, but I'm just learning how to ride horses. I like the laid-back lifestyle. I love when Dave and I take the Jeep out mudding. I'd rather be outside working in the yard than inside cleaning. I'm the proud owner of an American Pitbull Terrier. I love wearing cowboy boots. I am a proud American.
PBIR wants to thank everyone who attended! This was an awesome event and we can not wait until the next on. Stay tuned to PBIR blogs with all your favorite Social Networks; Twitter, Blogger, Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo, Google, LinkedIn, Tagged, Bebo, Friendster, Hi5, and more....