About this blog

The original intention of this blog was to help promote my handcrafted jewelry and beading supplies. However, I believe I lead an interesting life (which Dave gets a lot of credit for), so you will often find ramblings about things other than beads and jewelry! Hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoy living it!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Shelly's Stuff is on Facebook

Yesterday I joined Facebook. It took me most of the day as I created a business page without having a personal profile and couldn't get any of the apps to add to the page. Unfortunately, I didn't find the help section of Facebook very helpful. There wasn't a single place where it stated you had to set up a personal profile before creating the business page. And, if I had to have a personal profile first, why didn't it tell me that?! Alas, after finally figuring this out, the page was created. It's still in the early stages, but I'm slowly working on it. If you are interested in being a fan, please click here. I'd love to get to 25 fans so I can get a unique URL to direct people to the page (any help in reaching that number is greatly appreciated!). Also, I'd like to add a custom tab where I can promote others. I'd like to be able to add a photo, a brief description and a link to their website. If anyone can tell me how to do this, or where I can get information/help, I will be forever grateful! Lastly, if you have a business/fan page on Facebook, please leave a comment with the link. I'd love to see what you've done.


  1. I agree that FB isn't the easiest to navigate around. I don't do much with my FB pages and rarely even check in. I know many folks are die-hard FB folks, though. I'm a blogger through a through. hehe!

    I'm your new fan though. I hope your FB site proves successful for you :)


  2. Lisa, thanks so much for being a fan. I was so excited when I logged on last night and saw my fan count had gone from 2 to 3! I knew the profile pic looked familiar, but wasn't exactly sure where from. Now I know. Thanks again!
