Here's the second part and this is really the most exciting! Shelly's Stuff will be sharing the booth with our (as in, Dave and me) newest business venture. Announcing...

Dave and I are huge fans of mixed martial arts and all combat sports. We've always wanted to start a business that was built around something we are passionate about. This is definitely it. We are in what we're calling our "research and development" stage. We developed the logo with the help of our neighbor who is a graphic design artist, and currently have a line of shirts ( pics yet...the shirts just came in yesterday and we've been busy getting ready for this weekend). If we get a good response to the shirts (reading between the lines, that means if we get some cash flow!), we will further develop the line and will be adding more products including hoodies, beanies and shorts to name a few. We did manage to get the website up and going, although it is far from complete. We at least wanted to have something out there so people could find us and realize we are serious about this. You can check it out at Also, we have a Facebook fan page which you can get to by clicking here. If any of you out there in Blogger land are mixed martial arts (ultimate fighting) fans or know people who are, we would greatly appreciate any help in getting our fan base on Facebook going so we can get a unique URL. I'm sure once we get through this initial product launch, we'll be holding some giveaways to show our appreciation for everyone's support. Wish us luck!!!
Congrats Shelly! That's great news. Hope the gig goes well and keep us posted on this new venture! Clever name by the way :)